The challenge of this crisis is that employers have not been able to successfully identify employees who are dealing with opioid non-compliance/dependency, nor have they been able to gain compliance from the medical community that serves their employees to opioid standards of best practice, prescribing and testing. These issues have dramatically increased healthcare costs, reduced employee productivity and risk for the employers of the 50,000,000 Americans covered by self-insured health plans:

  • The average self-insured plan cost in the US per year, per employee is $4,975
    The average cost for the same employee prescribed narcotic pain killers is $23,049;
  • The average workers compensation claim for medical and payroll costs averages $13,000
    The average for the same employee also prescribed narcotic pain killers is $117,000;
  • “Prescription narcotics are presently the number one workers compensation problem
    in the US in terms of controlling the ultimate cost of indemnity losses.”Senior Risk manager with Lockton
  • A study of California workers’ compensation shows that employees on long term narcotic painkillers may also be: late 3X more often; on sick leave 3X more often, 5X more likely to file a workers’ comp claim, 4X more likely to have worksite accident; 2X more like y to change jobs;
  • Opioid abuse costs employers approximately $10 billion from absenteeism and presenteeism alone.